Wile, Wit, Wisdom & Weaponry

Ruminations, Opinions & Debate about the world as I see it and the toys that make it bearable!

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Location: TEXAS, United States

-Defender of the Second Amendment, the "little guy", free market system, liberty and freedom from government!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Of Infidels & Infamy

Undoubtedly, we are going to be BOMBARDED by imagery from September 11, 2001.

Cut-and-paste journalism will be rampant…

Mic-wielding talking heads will pontificate into the cameras ad nauseum

Political rhetoric will rule the airwaves…

Rallies will be held at Ground Zero…

Anti-war demonstrations will be held across the country…

Conspiracy nuts will attempt to gain air time for their latest groupie-induced hysteria…

….but you and I will know differently what this anniversary stands for. You and I will understand the serious consequences this date testifies to. You and I know that there are still brave men and women who are putting it all on the line in the name of “defense of country” and “service” and “honor” and “duty”. You and I know that there is still that lingering question from 2001. (What if it happens again?) You and I know that it can happen again. You and I know it could be much worse than last time, affecting more lives and extended families all over the globe.

But you and I are different. We don’t easily forget scenes that played over and over on our television sets while families were permanently devastated and the citizenry demoralized. We won’t forget the families of the fire and police personnel who rushed to the scenes of madness in order to promote safety and life. We will not forget the brave people on United Flight 93 who declared that they were not sheep and that their collective destiny was not in the hands of sweating, terrified, misguided terrorists who were taught to hate on a scale – and to a depth - that few can imagine.

While you and I can relate and understand to a degree - we need to remember that our collective fate depends on the next man to sit in the leather-backed wing chair in the White House. We need to remind our friends and neighbors, our family and colleagues, our sons and daughters that the next man to control our destiny where American safety is concerned must know the difference between:

A Brigade and a Boyscout Troop

A B-1B and a Boeing 757

A ‘Nimitz’ Class Carrier and a Norwegian Cruise Ship

Surrender and Force Reduction

Torture and Fraternity Hazing

An M16 and a Mini-14

A Marine Sentinel and a Bodyguard

Patriotism and Platitudes

Duty and Discussion

Honor and Hopefulness

Service and Servitude

Rapiers and Resolutions

Temperance and Talk

Experience and Eloquence

Strength and Soliloquy

Determination and Dismissive

Destiny and Disdain

Character and “change”

This is what I will be thinking about when pulling the lever on Nov. 4th.

What will you be thinking about?



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