Wile, Wit, Wisdom & Weaponry

Ruminations, Opinions & Debate about the world as I see it and the toys that make it bearable!

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Location: TEXAS, United States

-Defender of the Second Amendment, the "little guy", free market system, liberty and freedom from government!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Quote of the Week

"Barack Obama has put out an ad that simple minded
John McCain cannot use a computer.

Well guess what? Barack can't land a jet plane on an
aircraft carrier at night."



Blogger Tammy M. said...

Love it.
Barack seems to leave out that the reason John McCain doesn't send emails is that his hands were disfigured while he was protecting our country. There is a big difference between unable to send an email or not smart enough to send an email.
Obama is making me crazy, and that's not in a good way ; (

12:38 PM  

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