Wile, Wit, Wisdom & Weaponry

Ruminations, Opinions & Debate about the world as I see it and the toys that make it bearable!

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Location: TEXAS, United States

-Defender of the Second Amendment, the "little guy", free market system, liberty and freedom from government!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Obama Supporters Are Crazy

A friend sent this to my wife to pass along to me. It speaks volumes about the current campaign and where this country is headed come November 4th. I'm afraid this thing is going to get out of hand, grow uglier, and cost people their dignity...


Blogger Darren Duvall said...

I don't see a good Kum-By-Ya ending for this, Troy.

I do know who's better-armed between the Obama supporters and the McCain supporters, but I am afraid that the bad feelings that arose from 2000 will just be a downpayment on the 2008 outcome, no matter who wins.

Someone needs to make a sign with Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama's pictures on it an a caption that says, "PICK ANY TWO".

There is potential for some major schism if there is a three-house Dem sweep and the Dems take that as carte blanche to implement a highly-leftist agenda, when in truth it just meant the voters wanted something a little different. For instance -- a BHO/Reid/Pelosi push on assault weapons is probably not what the American electorate is asking for, but do you doubt there will be one?

3:57 PM  

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