Wile, Wit, Wisdom & Weaponry

Ruminations, Opinions & Debate about the world as I see it and the toys that make it bearable!

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Location: TEXAS, United States

-Defender of the Second Amendment, the "little guy", free market system, liberty and freedom from government!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Holiday Thesis

Holiday Perspective - A Tandem Thesis

I’m worried if I have enough money to buy everyone’s presents this Christmas.

(He/She is worried if they will receive their families’ gifts so far from home.)

I’m concerned about the traffic - will it be light or heavy on the interstate?

(He/She is concerned with whether the roadways are laced with explosives.)

I’m wondering if holiday meals will taste as exquisite as I remember from years’ past?

(He/She is content with the MRE’s in their pack and whether it will be served cold.)

My family makes arrangements to find plush accommodations for our overnight travel.

(He/She turns out their sleeping bag or cot for another cold, restless night.)

My friends brag about their skiing excursions and wonder aloud about the snow base.

(He/She is contemplating if they will return to their base intact after another patrol.)

My neighbors struggle with the mass of lights with which to decorate their home.

(He/She is wondering if that flickering light in the distance is friend or foe.)

People pass by in their hurried state to accomplish one of a thousand holiday tasks.

(He/She is concentrating on the task at hand, so our collective liberties are secure.)

Others wish “Happy Holidays” or “Merry Christmas” as they go about their business.

(He/She is wishing their comrades safe journey reciting prayers for their return.)

My children complain about the cold walk from the store to the heated car in the lot.

(He/She is content in the heat, having learned to live without these many months.)

School children are rehearsing Christmas carols for their drama presentations.

(He/She is committed to prayer-for buddies, families, and for their safe return home.)

Bureaucrats in front of microphones argue over funding, planning and execution.

(He/She fights to preserve the American way, and does so willingly, without fanfare.)

May those fighting for our freedoms this Christmas realize the joy, comfort, peace, safety and tranquility that each of us back home in the States enjoy at your personal expense. You are our heroes. Come home safe, whole, and proud. You’ve earned it time and time again. Our prayers are with you and your families this Christmas!


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