Wile, Wit, Wisdom & Weaponry

Ruminations, Opinions & Debate about the world as I see it and the toys that make it bearable!

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Location: TEXAS, United States

-Defender of the Second Amendment, the "little guy", free market system, liberty and freedom from government!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The "Anti" Solution...

As I predicted, in and after the wake of the Virginia Tech slaughter, the anti-gun crowd is ratcheting up their sick spin like roosters after sun up.

My previous post dealt with New York state Representative, Carolyn McCarthy. As my kids would say, this lady is "whack". You only have to view the video once to understand that she is a small pawn in the liberal democratic wing. She carries forward, however, doing what is asked of her. Why? My guess is, because she is a new face on an old issue. Previously, Chucky "Cheese" Schumer - the Senior Senator from New York, carried the standard on this issue with Sarah Brady at his side. (The liberal media loves Sarah Brady.) But Chuck was smart enough to give it up prior to the last congressional elections as his admiring cohorts were easily defeated in most races. Chuck knows when to cut and run. But he's also smart, that's why Carolyn is front and center. She's new, she's fresh, and she's a woman who appeals to other women in her demographic- a group the Democrats desperately need to win over for the upcoming Presidential election.

My question to all of these people is THE quintessential question that sensible citizens should be asking:

"If passing more legislation will prevent future crimes committed with firearms, then why didn't the Brady Act prevent the Virginia Tech tragedy? Or Columbine? Or Ruby Ridge? Or Janet Reno's fiasco in Waco? Or the thousands of other crimes that occurred nationally, year after year, upon passage of this legislation?"

Because when backed against a wall with solid statistics and the fact that these crimes continue to occur, they have no answer.

Here's how to defeat this weak, ignorant argument from the Left every time:

"If guns are the cause of these tragedies, then we need to find a way to legislate all the fertilizer plants in this nation. After all, a fertilizer bomb killed all those folks at the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City."

But the Left has never been given to common sense. I'm guessing they never will. They are in politics simply for themselves. That is not to say that a lot of Republicans can escape that same label, but most know when to admit they are wrong. And when they don't, they lose their seat at the feeding trough come next election.

Look for SHRILLary and (Osama) Obama to make this argument a key plank in their next public address. Once their private polling data is in, they will be sure to wave this flag right up to the '08 election. Mark my words....


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